CLassical Christian School
REgents School
When the Head of School reached out to me from Regents School of Charlottesville, I was honored to step in and help them establish a better presence on social media that communicated their ethos to both their present and future community.
Regents School provides a classical curriculum, ordered around the principles of the Bible. We educate because children are made in the Divine Image and we consider it our great privilege to send them out into the world market to heal it rather than serving it by teaching them who they are in Christ, how then to live, and Whom they serve.
#RegentsSchool #RegentsSchoolofCharlottesville #RegentsLions #Charlottesville #classicalchristian #classicaleducation #christianeducation #classicalchristianeducation #privateschool #SoliDeoGloria #TheClassicalDifference