by Andrea | Oct 31, 2016 | DIY, handmade, Sewing, tutorials, Uncategorized

Welp, I have fallen onto the bandwagon of trendiness this fall. I really hated ponchos back in the 90’s but I like the new blanket style ones that are on the very front display at Target this year taunting me with their plaids and tribally goodness like sea sirens to a sailor. I was at Joanne’s this week a couple times for ONE THING. I kept walking past this woven tribal fabric and I couldn’t stand it. I brought it home and promptly turned it into a blanket poncho. Even my 12 year old likes it. That’s saying something. It was my reward for finishing the fancy fox quilt for my daughter that took like 1200 hours.
If you’d like to join in on the poncho trend, I’ve made up a quick and easy poncho tutorial for you to follow. It takes 1 yard of fabric and about 20 minutes tops!
Did I to mention it’s CHEAPER?! You could make 3-4 of these for the price of a Target or Gap one right now! Can we say CHRISTMAS GIFTS?!!! If you purchase 1 yard of 60″ wide woven fabric for 12.99 and they have most of it 40% off right now, then you use your 20% off total purchase coupon….. well, you have yourself an amazing poncho for only $6.30! So hurry and get started! Here is the nitty and the gritty in an easy to follow downloadable image! I’d love to see your ponchos! Tag em #aldeasyponcho

Here are some pictures of me and my 12 year old daughter trying it on….so it’s pretty versatile size wise but I have included instructions for a custom fit do you can make for ANY SIZE!!!! Happy Poncho-ing. Make all the ponchos!!!
Grace was my photographer and her Miranda impressions made it impossible for me to do anything but cheesy laughing faces. She’s pretty cute.

by Andrea | Oct 28, 2016 | DIY, Sewing, tutorials
If your new to the blog, I am continuing my series on How To Magically Make More Time For Sewing…….you can read Part 1 HERE.
Let’s talk about cleaning. Many people wonder….Is my house a pig sty? Sometimes yes. It’s because I have 5 children who are well, children. They run around in the wonderment of carefree childhood and drop their drawers anywhere but in their dresser drawers. I really struggle with being patient and kind with my children in this area. If I had actual magical powers I would most often use them to clean my house. Yes, I am Monica from friends. What would be my spirit animal? Maybe that little parasite that cleans the side of fish tanks?
I have prepared some helpful how to infographic printables to help you and I teach our children how to do specific tasks like the laundry and dishes…..(note: I have updated the How To Dishes Chart with “Rinse Clean” after hand washing.)

These are free for anyone who signs up for my email list. I am unashamedly building an email list and trying to figure out mail chimp. (The struggle is not as real as I thought it would be.) If you have an extreme aversion to being put on an email list of some sorts, you may purchase these in my Etsy shop, Handful Of Arrows at a discount for reading my blog. Here is the coupon code for 50% off: MAGIC16
Here are the key elements of cleaning magic you need this week to create more sewing time!
1.) Lower your standards – this is my hardest one. It’s not everyones biggest struggle, but it’s mine. Delegating the cleaning of the bathroom means streaks and drips and bleach marks and mostly whiny rebellion in the lower ranks of your household. But stand firm soldier. It’s worth it for all involved. Your children will thank you when they are 35. Trust me. (I used to hire someone to clean my floors and bathrooms on a weekly basis. However that is not in the medschool wife budget. I would recommend that if you can afford it! I have always had the kids help too. Now that I have a 13, 10, and 7 year old they are capable of helping a lot more.)
2.) Delegate – yes, really. Don’t go in there and redo it. Refer to key element number 1 and sing “Let It Go” and pray for Jesus to help your heart. I am being sarcastic but I am also being serious. Your 12- yr old can do the dishes once a day. She can do a few loads of laundry a day. She may act like she doesn’t know that you are supposed to add soap everytime to the washer or wipe off the counters but just push on and work towards solidarity. Just think of all the life skills you are imparting to your precious ones. I have a bellyacher, a super eager helpful(somewhat self righteous) soldier, a my way or the highway type and a passive aggressive hide and do nothing type. All of these little girls will be fine. Someday. Just be nice and leave the emotions at the door. This will be very hard but you can totally do it. {Phil. 4:13}
3.) Expect failure and reteaching – this is the stuff of motherhood. I know there is no need to explain. Let’s not pretend. If you don’t have little ones at home, you probably don’t need this magical blog post in your life right now because you are experiencing the magic of empty nesting….
If you have young children, you will create more time for sewing (or whatever your happy place) by teaching and delegating household chores to them. It will only help them in the long run to be productive members of society who know what it takes to run a household, serve others, put family first, and value a good work ethic. While I can’t change their hearts, I do try to give them a bible verse with their training and pray it will take root. God’s Word will truly cause heart change with the grace and power that only come from Him. Here is a printable for that…
Now sit down, relax, eat some bon bons and SEW until someone fills the dishwasher with regular soap and overflows the kitchen with bubbles or spills your coffee on the new rug. #thestruggleisreal#sewingismyhappyplace
If you are subscribed to my email list, these pretty and practical infographics will be delivered to your inbox for free. The sign up is on my home page. Thanks for reading! -Andrea